Photo Album: Helical Piers Used to Stabilize Church in Hazard, Kentucky
We used our helical pier system to stabilize a sinking foundation for a church's new addition in Hazard, KY. The new addition had footers that sat on top of the soil, which was causing the soil underneath the foundation to go through cycles of expanding and shrinking. It also didn't help that this church was on a steep hillside, which can cause soil washout. No matter though, as we were able to successfully stabilize the new addition by wrapping the structure with our helical pier system. We started by digging shallow trenches all around the addition, and then screwed our piers down into load-bearing strata. Once we knew we hit load-bearing strata, (thanks to our pressure gauges) we then hooked the "L" shaped brackets to the top of the piers and to the bottom of the footing. Once the brackets were attached, the weight of the structure successfully transfered into stable soil. We then attempted to lift the structure with hydraulics attached to the brackets, which helped close a lot of the gaps seen inside the church. We wrapped up the project by backfilling the trenches with soil, cleaning up after ourselves, and logging the project in our system. The result is a stable church addition that won't shift any longer.
Helical Pier Lifting
The helical piers are attached to a bracket that is attached under and around the footing. The hoses connecting all the piers make up the hydraulic system, which allowed us to lift the foundation.
Problematic Grading for Church
When a structure sits on a steep hill, it can be hard to keep the foundation stable as soil shifts over time. To counteract this, we installed our piers deep into stable ground, providing long-term support and preventing further movement.
New Addition
This new addition had a very shallow footing that sat above the frost line in the soil. We planned to wrap our pier system around this new addition to stop it from falling down the hillside, and to stabilize it.
Cracks in Church
A sinking foundation can cause cracks, gaps, and other problems to appear from inside the structure.
Trench Excavation
We can either dig the trenches with an excavator or with a shovel. Here we are drilling the screw shaped poles into the soil with our big machine.
Helical Piles
This foundation repair process ensures lifelong stability for the structure. We would later backfill all the trenches once the job is complete with soil, leaving the piers concealed.