Photo Album: Sunken Concrete Slabs Lifted and Leveled with Foam Jacking in Dry Ridge, Kentucky
This home's driveway, sidewalk, and front porch were all bent out of shape. As seen here, concrete slabs usually don't fall at the same rate, creating inconsistencies in the concrete all together. Luckily, with our PolyLevel Foam injections, we are able to level out the inconsistencies using experience and a bit of arithmetic. Our foam jacking system is also quicker, cleaner, lighter, and cheaper than other alternatives. These concrete slabs won't have to worry about becoming separated again for quite a long, long time.
Gap Between Sidewalk and Front Porch
Uneven sinking can create gaps, as seen here.
Unlevel Driveway
This driveway had a slight slope to the left, making it hard for people to keep their balance when walking on.
Raised Driveway Slabs
You can hardly even tell we drilled pea sized holes in the slabs to raise them.
Leveled Driveway Slabs
This driveway is looking as smooth as butter after we leveled everything out.
Fixed Gap Between Front Porch and Sidewalk
No more gaps means no more soil washout, effectively extending the life of your concrete exponentially.