Photo Album: Cracked Concrete Porch Repair in Irvine, Kentucky
This homeowner called us because their front porch had very large cracks because the soil underneath the porch had settled pretty far, leaving no support to the slabs in the middle. You can see how bowed the porch had become, and at this point, was very far gone. This is a great example of what your front porch could look like if not properly treated for if soil washout occurs. After getting a free quote from us to raise and level the porch, the homeowner wanted to see how much it would be to replace it completely by some concrete companies. Even though the porch was pretty far gone and was going to use a lot of foam to be able to jack it correctly, the cost was still cheaper than entirely replacing! It would also be a lot less invasive to the home to foam jack it, than to jackhammer all the concrete away and to wait for the new porch to set, so the homeowner chose us to lift and level it!
Bowed Porch Repair
This zoomed out view shows just how warped the porch had became.
Finished PolyLevel Job
Here's a good look at how we were able to close the large cracks going across the porch vertically. It's kind of hard to tell there were cracks before!
Large Crack in Porch
To the right of the dog, you can see the largest crack, which had a depth of about 2.5 inches.
Finished Polevel
The once warped porch, (say that three times fast) is now straight and healthy. The foam underneath it is eco friendly and will provide support for a long, long time.
Soil Washout
When the soil washed out from underneath this porch, (probably from rain/improper gutters) the heavy slab had lost all support from underneath it. The decorative white column to the left had also become warped.