Helical Pier System
The Helical Pier system is used to stabilize the foundation and can potentially lift it back to level.

Pier Installation Process
In this photo you can see pretty much all the components that make up our pier system. On top of the dug up soil, you can see the helix shaped piers. This screw-like shape allows us to twist them deep down into stable soil without displacing/disturbing the soil on the way down. At the bottom of the picture, you can see the "L" shaped bracket that allows us to attach the piers to the footer. Lastly, you can also see the attachment swaying in the air that allows us to drill the piers down into deep depths.

Exposed Footer
In order to install our pier system, we need to first expose the footer under your home. We can dig these trenches with either a shovel or an excavator. A shovel was better suited for this job as we only installed two piers for this job and the footer wasn't that deep.

Hydraulic System
The hoses you see connected to the piers transfer hydraulic fluid, allowing us to potentially lift your foundation. This process may be able to help fix your sticking doors and windows.

Concealed Foundation Repair System
The helical pier system is installed underground so that once covered up, you won't be able to notice they are even there.

Drafty Window
Sinking/settling foundations can cause the windows in your home to form gaps. This can result in drafty and sticky windows.